Epiphora method
the missing link in unexplained delayed recovery
Is recovery eluding you, and do you not understand why?
Under normal circumstances, our body is very capable of healing itself. However, this ability can be significantly disrupted by a limited blood flow to our brains. This leads to a deregulating effect on our autonomic nervous system, which starts sending incorrect signals, resulting in symptoms that do not recover. This is often the main cause of unexplained lack of recovery.
Possibly a disruption in blood flow
The Epiphora Method assumes that there is a disturbance in the supply and drainage of blood to the brain. This can be caused by factors such as a concussion or whiplash, as well as by heredity, hypermobility, incorrect posture, or prolonged stress.
Stimulating blood circulation and rediscovering healing power
With the Epiphora Method, you restore the blood circulation to your brain and eliminate accumulated waste products. This restores balance between the survival and recovery systems, enabling your body to regain the healing power necessary for persistent complaints such as post-COVID syndrome, fibromyalgia, (aura) migraine, ME/CFS, sleep problems, or chronic pain.